
Suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies ensure their sup­ply chains are per­ma­nent­ly opti­mized. We also are striv­ing for con­stant improve­ment in our guid­ing prin­ci­ples (Kaizen).

Since 1984, pro­fes­sion­al­ism and per­for­mance paired with human­i­ty and warmth — these are the val­ues, which give our staff the strength to dri­ve, us as red\line for­ward. Your busi­ness is our busi­ness that guar­an­tees that our ser­vice and quality
is our high­est pre­rog­a­tive. That is why our slo­gan reads “logis­tics for life”, because we live logis­tics around the clock, on 365 days a year.

As entre­pre­neurs with­in our enter­prise, red\line‘s staff still base their idea of ser­vice and effi­cien­cy on the ethos inher­it­ed from the company‘s founders. In our coop­er­a­tions and strate­gic alliances, we always search for part­ners who share our ideas. Our val­ues unite peo­ple around the world in a shared and unique net­work of ener­gy. It is this unique cor­po­rate spir­it that makes red\line dif­fer­ent from its com­peti­tors in the indus­try today.