Wel­come to red\line!

Pro­fes­sion­al­ism and per­for­mance paired with human­i­ty and warmth — these are the val­ues we instilled in our staff, giv­ing them the strength to dri­ve the com­pa­ny forward.

As entre­pre­neurs with­in our enter­prise, red\line’s staff still base their idea of ser­vice and effi­cien­cy on the ethos inher­it­ed from the company’s founders. In our coop­er­a­tions and strate­gic alliances, we always search for part­ners who share our ideas.

Our val­ues unite peo­ple around the world in a shared and unique net­work of ener­gies. It is this unique cor­po­rate spir­it that makes red\line dif­fer­ent from its com­peti­tors in the indus­try today.

Our Ser­vices


LCL, FCL, Con­ven­tion­al (break bulk & RO-RO) or spe­cial project cargo.


Whether con­sol­i­da­tion, direct flight options, on board couri­er (OBC), time crit­i­cal car­go (AOG) or charter.


We pro­vide truck­ing solu­tions with exper­tise in all four direc­tions, from east to west or from north to south.

Project & VAS

Is your prod­uct extra large, espe­cial­ly urgent or extra heavy?


We glad­ly can offer you the full logis­tics chain by rail from Europe to Chi­na and vice versa.


LCL, FCL, Con­ven­tion­al (break bulk & RO-RO) or spe­cial project cargo.


Whether con­sol­i­da­tion, direct flight options, on board couri­er (OBC), time crit­i­cal car­go (AOG) or charter.


We pro­vide truck­ing solu­tions with exper­tise in all four direc­tions, from east to west or from north to south.

Project & VAS

Is your prod­uct extra large, espe­cial­ly urgent or extra heavy?


We glad­ly can offer you the full logis­tics chain by rail from Europe to Chi­na and vice versa.

Our world­wide net­work includes


spe­cial­ly select­ed mem­bers around the world





1 Mrd.

sales rev­enue per annum